Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Denver Botanic Gardens

Denver Botanic Gardens is one of the best attractions in a city that is full of them. Found in the Cheesman Park neighborhood of Denver, this oasis of sorts is close to the Downtown District, yet far enough away to provide a certain amount of tranquility. It's certainly easy to escape from the real world in the Tropical Conservatory at the Botanical Gardens in Denver, where thousands of tropical plants thrive in the warm and protected confines. In addition to a fantastic conservatory, the Denver Botanic Gardens also includes acres of outdoor gardens for visitors to enjoy. All told, the park covers 23 acres, making it one of the largest in the of its kind in the country.

It's only about a ten-minute drive from Downtown Denver to the Denver Botanic Gardens, so travelers who are staying at one of the downtown hotels won't have to go far to escape the relative bustle of the city. Upon arrival at the Botanical Gardens in Denver, visitors can take things as leisurely as they please, and should the weather sour, the Conservatory offers an attractive option for escaping the elements. Both tropical and subtropical plants fill the confines of this architecturally interesting, indoor facility, and there are thousands of species to examine. The Tropical Conservatory was dedicated in 1966, and once it was finished, it turned the Botanical Gardens in Denver into a year-round attraction.

In 1958, the Denver Botanic Gardens took up residence at its current site. One year later, planting began on the outdoor gardens. Among the first plantings were roses, tulips, and a variety of other flowers. One of the outdoor gardens is a traditional Japanese garden, and for those who like floral notes, there is also a fragrance garden to enjoy. Back inside the Conservatory, visitors can learn about plants that are used to make various products, including medicines and food. It truly is a wonderful mix of garden experiences.

A couple of hours should suffice if you are looking to take in everything that the Botanical Gardens in Denver has to offer. For true plant and nature enthusiasts, it's worth noting that the museum boasts other garden sites, and these sites include the Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield and the gardens at Mount Goliath. The former is a mix of gardens, wildlife observation area, and hiking trails, among other things, while the latter is a rather rugged swath of mountainous land that is part of the beautiful Arapaho National Forest.

Various Denver Botanic Gardens events are on offer throughout the year, with most taking place at the main gardens in Denver. The Denver Botanic Gardens often plays host to concerts during the warmer months, its sunken amphitheater serving as the prime live music venue. Other Denver Botanic Gardens events include a plant sale in the spring and a spectacular holiday lights display at the Chatfield site. Also worth keeping in mind is the fact that the Denver Botanic Gardens offers free days at various times throughout the year.

The Botanical Gardens in Denver can be an ideal place to get in touch with nature during a Colorado vacation, and if you can't manage to show up on one of the free days, the fees will be well worth it. This is one of the most renowned botanical gardens in the entire country, and the various events that it offers only help to make it that much more attractive. When planning a Denver vacation, it's always a good idea to consult the Denver Botanic Gardens events calendar. You never know what you might come across when it comes to this amazing place!

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