Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Denver Museum of Science and Nature

The Denver Museum of Nature & Science is Colorado's primary resource for informal science education. A multitude of fascinating exhibitions, programs, and activities allow visitors to experience the natural wonders of Colorado,the earth, and the entire universe.

The Denver Museum of Science collections consist of over 775,000 objects, which have been curated in the departments of Anthropology, Earth Sciences, Space Sciences, and Zoology. The collections also include the original Folsom point and its related archaeological specimens, a variety of fossil plants, mammals and dinosaurs, archaeological materials from the Southwestern and the Plains, Native American cultural objects cultural objects and gold and mineral specimens from around the world. Because of the diversity of the collections at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, visitors leave with a unique understanding of the physical and human ecology of Colorado and the Southwest. Insight about the human populations of the Southwest is enhanced at the Anthropology Exhibit at this Denver museum.

Anthropology at the Museum of Nature and Science Denver

This museum has an excellent set of collections at the anthropology exhibit, including:

North and South American Indian ethnographic objects
North American Indian archaeological objects
Mexican and South American archaeological objects
African ethnographic objects, especially from southern areas
Oceanic and Asian ethnographic objects
Fine art objects
Archival photographs

Geology at the Museum of Nature and Science Denver

Chances are, if you have been colorado'>hiking or biking or skiing through the mountains of Colorado, you have become interested in the geology and topography of the land. The geology exhibit at this exciting Denver museum gives you the opportunity to explore the forces of nature associated with this unique environment. Collections at the geology exhibit include specimens of the mineral species that are found in the Rocky Mountains as well as various types of rocks and meteorites.

Zoology at the Museum of Nature and Science Denver

Hikers and bikers through the Colorado Rockies also come across a significant amount of wildlife. The zoology exhibit at this Denver museum provides a unique opportunity to explore the ecosystems of the Great Plains and Southern Rocky Mountains of North America and the types of threats they impose on the endangered forms of wildlife.

Hours of Operation at the Museum of Nature and Science Denver

The Museum, which is located three miles east of downtown Denver on Colorado Boulevard, is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, seven days a week. After visiting this Denver museum, you will want to explore the other Denver attractions and Denver shopping areas.

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